You can export all references from the database as a comma-separated value (*.csv) file (column delimiters are actually tabs). Choose the reference types you want to include in your exported file:

Reference types to be included:

Journal Article

Explanation of downloaded file

Column label Column description
Reference The complete reference: Author(s), year, Title, publication details (e.g. journal, volume, pagination, DOI, publisher, etc)
Type_of_reference Type of reference, e.g. Journal Article, Book, URL, Report, Other
Authors List of Authors
Year Publication year
Title Title of the publication. Can be empty for categories "URL" and "Other"
Volume Volume of the publication (only for journal articles)
Issue Issue of the publication (only for journal articles)
Pages Pagination of the publication (only for print media, e.g. journal articles, books)
Book_title Title of the book for book sections
Editors Editors of a publication (mostly for books and book sections)
Publisher Publisher of book or report
City City of publisher
Institution Institution publishing a report
Series_title Title of a report series
Type_of_thesis For theses only, can be BSc, MSc or PhD
URL URL of a website
Other Any other description of a source
Journal Journal in which an article was published